Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Who's watching the watchers?

On my way to dinner, I stopped to wave at this security camera on West Broadway.

Exiting Canal St. 1 train...this lovely view caught me by surprise

The folks walking behind me up the subway stairs weren't thrilled that I stopped to take a photo, but I couldn't resist. I love how these green lights look against the sky. That's the American flag on top of the building, in case you can't tell.

Ran into Chelsea Street art whilst bicycling

Nice rack, lady!

Herring Cove rocks (literally and figuratively)!

Okay, so this isn't in New York. However, it's probably one of my favorite photos of all time. I love how colorful the rocks are and how you can see every bit of sand. Thanks, Provincetown!

Royal street art in the East Village

Will and Kate spotted embracing alongside an East Houston St. building.

Hello Moon!

Thanks for a great night, Gansevoort Rooftop :)

The gayest intersection at NY Pride Parade